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If You Want To Grow Your Subscription Box RAPIDLY Without Going Bankrupt From Facebook Ads, Subscription Box Experts is YOUR BEST SOLUTION!
Do You Want to Learn How To REALLY Make Your Subscription Box A Success?
From: Liam Brennan
Dublin, Ireland
Let me know if this sounds familiar in your Subscription Box Business…..
When you first got the idea to launch your business, you couldn’t contain your excitement.
You spent weeks picking your niche, creating your website, sourcing products and designing a beautiful box for your customers.
Launch day was approaching fast and after all your hard work and sacrifice you were certain
Your Business Would Be Successful
Why wouldn’t that be the case?
All you need to do is get the word out on social media…
Contact some influencers….
Run some Facebook ads….
Then sit back and watch as floods of new subscribers sign up to your box…
I hate to be the bearer of bad news….
But unfortunately, it rarely plays out like that.
The majority of subscription box owners REALLY STRUGGLE to get subscribers when they launch their boxes.
It’s normally a long hard slog and most people end up marooned on a subscriber number that WILL NEVER PAY THE BILLS
Or give them the financial security they dreamed of when starting their business...
I was in the EXACT same position when I launched my subscription box business a number of years ago.
We were so excited to launch, but very quickly it felt like the walls were caving in…
We were BURNING money on Facebook ads and getting very little results….
The first few months were EXTREMELY Difficult and it felt like we had made a massive mistake setting this business up…
I felt completely defeated as we had invested so much time and money into getting the business up and running….
Then out of nowhere I got a phone call that I will never forget...
I was told I was getting made redundant and my job was shutting down in a few months…
At that point I had two choices
1. I could either throw in the towel and shut down my business as I wouldn’t be able to fund it any more...
2. Double down and do everything in my power to make it a success….
Thankfully, I choose the second option.
I GOT COMPLETELY OBSESSED with succeeding in this industry.
Myself and my two business partners became subscription box maniacs. We worked around the clock and pushed ourselves to levels you wouldn’t believe.
I watched what other successful company’s were doing and read countless books on marketing…
It wasn’t easy, but slowly and surely we started making progress….
Then one day after a serious amount of testing....
Suddenly it all clicked...
We knew exactly what to do and very quickly we started getting THOUSANDS Of Subscribers signed up....
I am proud to say my situation is completely different these days...
Myself and my two business partners built a 7-figure Subscription Box Business.
We are 100% profitable, and we accomplished this with NO OUTSIDE INVESTMENT...
I am out of my full time job over 3 years and I Earn WAY More than I ever did before....
Now I want to help you achieve the exact same thing in your business….
I am proud to announce the Launch of The Subscription Box Experts Academy...
I am giving you the opportunity to be one of the first people to join this course with a MASSIVE DISCOUNT...
I created this course, so you don’t have to go through all the hassle I did….
This course is packed with all the tools you need to succeed in your subscription box business…
It will literally save you years of your life and thousands in wasted ad spend…
By joining the course now you are getting instant access to 9 Modules packed with EXTREMELY POWERFUL content...
You will also get lifetime access to all future content.......
Don’t delay. The course will be closed in a couple of weeks and then you will have to wait a couple of months to sign up for a MUCH HIGHER PRICE...
It’s time to eliminate all the guess work and learn from somebody that has actually built a 7 Figure Subscription Box Business...
Liam Brennan.
P.S In case you’re one of those people (like me) who skips straight to the end of the letter, here’s the deal.
I want to invite you to my Subscription Box Experts Academy Program. This is by far the best course on the internet if you want to take your subscription box business to the next level. You can join the course now at a MASSIVE DISCOUNT and get instant access to 9 modules packed with content plus lifetime access to all future content. Don’t delay as the course will be closing soon and you will have to wait months to join the program at a MUCH HIGHER PRICE.
About Me
Hi, I'm Liam and I'm one of the Co. Founders Of BusterBox.com. A dog subscription box company based in Ireland. Over the past few years, myself and my two business partners have managed to sign up thousands of subscribers and hit over $15 Million in sales. (with no outside investment)
I am completely obsessed with the Subscription Box Business Model. I spend most of my waking hours coming up with new marketing ideas, analysing subscription metrics and figuring out new ways to fight churn.
I also coach subscription box owners on how to grow their company's and improve their businesses. I can't wait to help you reach your goals
Got a Question?
Email Liam@SubscriptionBoxExperts.com
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When You Join The Subscription Box Experts
Academy. You Get Instant Access To:
Module 1: Subscription Box Foundations
Making sure you have solid foundations in place to scale your business
Conversion Rate Optimization. How to SERIOUSLY increase your Conversion Rate!
Advanced Conversion Rate Optimization. Explore advanced techniques to maximize the number of subscribers you get signed up!
Commitment Terms V Prepay. What you HAVE to know to succeed in this industry.
Commitment Term Do's and Don'ts. Keep your customers happy so you can SCALE Rapidly!
A Very Powerful Hack To Improve Cash Flow. Earn more money upfront from your customers, so you can scale much faster!
Ideal Shipping and Billing Times. When to ship your box and how To Speed Up Your Payback Period So You Have More Money To Reinvest In Growth!
Improve Social Proof. Learn How Your Company Can Leave A Positive Digital Footprint FAST to increase sign ups!
Module 2: Getting Started With Facebook Ads
This Module will educate you with some very important information before you start advertising on Facebook.
Facebook Introduction. Things you need to know before you start advertising
Installing The Facebook Pixel. A step-by-step guide showing you how to install and test your pixel
Installing Facebook Conversion API. A step-by-step guide showing you how you can improve your tracking by installing the Conversion API.
Setting Up Standard Events. A complete walkthrough explaining exactly what to do
Assigning Assets / Keep Your Account Safe. Learn the corect way to set up your account so everything remains safe.
Learn How To Spy On Competitors Ads. Use this tactic for creative inspiration and to keep tabs on competition.
The Customer Feedback Score. Why this is ESSENTIAL to the future of your Subscription Box business and tips to help you manage it.
Module 3: Facebook Ads: Targeting and Creatives
In this Module you will learn how to target your ideal customer with the perfect ad, so they sign up to your subscription box on the spot.
Lookalike Audiences. How to use different lookalike audiences to target your ideal customers
Building Your Ideal Customer Avatar. Learn the exact process that we follow to build and target our ideal customer avatar when we launch a new product.
Videos And Images That Convert. Learn the EXACT type of videos and images you need to use to get customers signed up on the spot.
More Images That Convert. Learn more about the EXACT type of images you need to use on different placements to get people signed up on the spot
Even More Images That Convert. More examples of high-converting image ads that you can apply to your subscription box business.
More Videos That Convert. More examples of high-converting videos that get customers to sign up immediately.
Handy Design Tools: Learn how I use this killer tool to create high quality images for my ad campaigns.
Writing Copy That CONVERTS. Learn the exact process I follow to ensure the copy on my ads CONVERT.
Magic Copy Formula. Learn a magic copywriting formula to make your ads work even better.
Writing High Converting Ad Copy With AI. Learn how you can get AI to write high-converting ads using direct response frame work.
Expanding Your Copy With AI. Learn how you can use AI to come up with multiple versions of high-converting copy using a proven framework. Never struggle to write an ad again.
Extend The Life Of Your Ads. Learn how to extend the life of your ads to maximize conversions
Creating a Killer Swipe File. How to create a killer swipe file so you never run out of creative inspiration for your ad campaigns!
Module 4: Facebook Ads: A Complete Strategy For Running A Profitable Campaign
In this Module you will learn how to structure a Facebook Ad campaign properly and run advanced retargeting sequences so you can grow your subscriber base FAST.
Creating The PERFECT Offer. This is arguably the most important part of the equation when it comes to advertising. Learn exactly how to create the perfect offer to explode your sign ups!
Offer Presentation. Learn how to display your offer correctly to turbo charge your Subscription Box Growth.
Offer Rotation. Learn how and when to change your offer to keep your marketing fresh and customers engaged.
Structuring Your Campaign Correctly. Learn how to structure your campaign correctly and pick the best objectives to give you the best chance of success.
Managing A.I Enhancements. Learn how to use A.I Enhancements the correct way to ensure maximum performance with your ads.
Analysing A Live Campaign. I break down all the ad metrics that are important and explain exactly how to read the data.
How To Scale Your Ads To The Moon. Learn the exact process I follow to increase our ad spend profitably to get thousands of subscribers signed up!
More Scaling Tips. Learn another way to scale your ads profitably so you get a massive increase in subscribers signed up!
10X The Social Proof On Your Ads. Learn how to fill your ads full of positive comments to boost your conversions.
Automatically Filter Negative Comments. Learn how to keep your ads clean with no spam comments.
Retargeting: Follow my step-by-step guide to creating a high converting retargeting ad.
Simple But Highly Effective Retargeting. Learn my new retargeting strategy that is IOS proof and has got a record number of subscribers signed up for a very low cost!
Module 5: Facebook Ads: Scaling Your Facebook Ads with Advantage Campaign Budget / Campaign Budget Optimization (CBO)
In this Module you will learn how to scale your ads profitably using ACB / CBO, so you can grow your Subscriber Base RAPIDLY.
Advantage Campaign Budget / CBO Introduction. Learn exactly what CBO /ACB is and how you can leverage it in your business to get more subscribers signed up to your subscription box.
Setting Up An Advantage Campaign Budget / CBO Campaign. In this video I show you exactly how to set up a highly profitable ACB / CBO Campaign. that will get you a lot of subscribers signed up
Advantage Campaign Budgets / CBO Campaign Structure. I break down how to structure your CBO / ACB campaigns to ensure you get as many people signed up to your box as possible.
Advantage Campaign Budgets / CBO Creatives & Copy. Learn the exact process I follow to ensure our ads grab attention and get maximum conversions.
Analysing A Live ACB / CBO Campaign. In this training video, I break down exactly how to analyse and manage a live ACB / CBO Campaign to ensure you get a lot of subscribers signed up. (We have got thousands of subscribers signed up with this)
Scaling Advantage Campaign Budget / CBO. Follow my step-by-step process to learn how to scale your ACB/ CBO campaigns up and get more subscribers signed up to your Subscription Box.
How To Scale and Remain Profitable. I break down how you can spend more money on advertising and remain profitable while doing so.
CBO / ACB Retargeting. I will show you how to set up highly effective retargeting campaigns that will bring down your CAC and drive up your sign ups.
Advantage Shopping Campaigns. In this training video, I'll demonstrate how to effectively use Advantage Shopping Campaigns as a supplement to your primary ads. This strategy can significantly increase your sign-ups and reduce your CAC
Open Targeting. Learn the correct way to use open targeting to sign up thousands of subscribers to your subscription box.
Audience Segments: I break down the correct way to define your audience segments to keep the sales flowing and your CAC low.
How To Scale Advantage Shopping Campaigns. I show you how to scale your Advantage Shopping campaigns to maximize new subscribers while keeping CAC low.
Module 6: Follow Up Marketing.
In this Module you will learn the correct way to collect leads and follow up with them to send your subscriber numbers through the roof!
Follow Up Marketing Introduction. Learn exactly what effective follow-up marketing is and why you need to use it to grow your subscription box business.
Don't Depend On Pop-Ups. In this video I explain why you should never depend on pop-ups for 100% of your lead collection.
Highly Effective Lead Collection. In this training video I explain exactly how you can turn your website into a machine that collects leads for you 24/7.
Another Highly Effective Lead Collection Method. In this training, I break down how you can collect an enormous amount of new leads every single day. (These leads are high purchase intent and a large number of them will sign up to your box)
Abandoned Cart Sequence. In this training video, I will teach you how to write / design a high-converting abandoned cart sequence to convert leads into subscribers.
Building A Killer Email Swipe File. Learn exactly how to build a killer email swipe file so you never run out of ideas for your sales emails.
Daily Sales Email Schedule. I break down the exact schedule your sales emails should follow to get a massive amount of new subscribers signed up on a weekly basis.
Daily Sales Email Examples. Learn exactly how to write / design high-converting sales emails that will keep generating massive amounts of new subscribers for your business.
Module 7: Other Proven Growth Strategies
In this Module you will learn about some other growth drivers that can be used to increase sign ups in your subscription box business
Hijacking Your Competitor's Traffic. Learn exactly what you can do to monitor your competitors traffic sources and then hijack the traffic
What's A Joint Venture And Why You Should Do It. Learn how to leverage the power of other company's networks to increase sign ups!
Subscription Box Sales Funnels. How to reduce the Payback period and make more money from your customers.
Module 8: Subscription Box Metrics
In this Module you will learn why Subscription Box Metrics are so important and some handy tips on how to track and improve them
Metric Introduction. A break down of exactly how and why you need to be tracking your metrics.
Mastering The Payback Period. Learn how to calculate and reduce your Payback period so you grow your business WAY QUICKER.
Increasing ARPU. Learn exactly how to calculate your Average Revenue Per User and boost it so you earn MORE MONEY in your business.
How To Boost CLTV. I explain exactly how to boost your customer lifetime value so you can run a much more profitable business!
Churn Slayer. Learn how to MASSIVELY reduce churn so you can build a thriving subscription box business!
Module 9: Customer Service / Hiring a Virtual Assistant
In this Module you will learn how to set up your customer service software and processes and hire a world-class VA to give unbelievable support to your customers.
Customer Service Introduction. Learn why Customer Service needs to be a massive priority in your Subscription Box Company
Customer Service Software. I explain how we use our customer service software to streamline support and improve satisfaction.
Customer Service Processes. Learn how to easily build a knowledge base of customer service processes to train your staff rapidly.
Hiring A Virtual Assistant Part 1. I explain how to write the perfect job listing to attract the best VA's to your Subscription Box Company.
Hiring a Virtual Assistant Part 2. I take you through the interview process we use in BusterBox to hire Superstar VA's.
Customer Service Training. I show you the exact training schedule to follow to get your VA's up to speed ASAP.
Here's an overview of everything you get...
Subscription Box Experts Academy
You get instant access to the Subscription Box Experts Academy. This course is packed with 8 modules full of content to help you take your subscription box to the next level... ($1997 VALUE)
Access To The Private Mastermind Group....
Get help and support from a group of like-minded Subscription Box Owners who are all on the same journey and SERIOUS about scaling their businesses. ($3000 VALUE)
Full Access To All Future Content
You will get full access to all future Subscription Box Experts content coming soon... ($2997 VALUE)
6 Weeks of Group Q&A And Live Training...
Join my weekly hour-long Group Zoom calls where I will be providing additional training to help you succeed. This is your chance to ask me anything about your Subscription Box Business ($2997 VALUE)
Wait.. Act Now And Get These Bonuses For FREE
Bonus 1: TikTok Creator Marketplace LaunchPad
In this training, Liam shows how you can use the untapped potential of the TIKTOK Creator Marketplace to get massive reach and a consistent stream of new subscribers ($500 Value)
Bonus 2: Google Performance Max Masterclass
This training will show you how to use Google Performance Max to acquire a flood of new subscribers each month! ($297 Value)
Bonus 3: The Ultimate Subscription Box Offer Creation Masterclass
This training will show you how to explode your Subscription Box Sales. The content in this Masterclass is extremely powerful and, when implemented, will have a flood of new subscribers ready to sign up to your box. ($599 Value)
Bonus 4: 50 High Converting Facebook Ads
These Facebook Ads convert like crazy! Use them as inspiration when running ads to send your sales through the roof! ($197 Value)
Here's an overview of everything you get...
Subscription Box Experts Academy
You get instant access to the Subscription Box Experts Academy. This course is packed with 8 modules full of content to help you take your subscription box to the next level... ($1997 VALUE)
Full Access To All Future Content
You will get full access to all future Subscription Box Experts content coming soon... ($2997 VALUE)
Access To The Private Mastermind Group....
Get help and support from a group of like-minded Subscription Box Owners who are all on the same journey and SERIOUS about scaling their businesses. ($3,000 VALUE)
6 Weeks of Group Q&A And Live Training...
Join my weekly hour-long Zoom calls where I will be providing additional training to help you succeed. This is your chance to ask me anything about your Subscription Box Business ($2,997 VALUE)
Act Now And Get These Bonuses For FREE!
Bonus 1: TikTok Creator Marketplace LaunchPadTikTok Creator Marketplace LaunchPad
In this training, Liam shows how you can use the untapped potential of the TIKTOK Creator Marketplace to get massive reach and a consistent stream of new subscribers ($500 Value)
Bonus 2: Google Performance Max Masterclass
This training will show you how to use Google Performance Max to acquire a flood of new subscribers each month! ($297 Value)
Bonus 3: The Ultimate Subscription Box Offer Creation Masterclass
This training will show you how to explode your Subscription Box Sales. The content in this Masterclass is extremely powerful and, when implemented, will have a flood of new subscribers ready to sign up to your box. ($599 Value)
Bonus 4: 50 High Converting Facebook Ads
These Facebook Ads convert like crazy! Use them as inspiration when running ads to send your sales through the roof! ($197 Value)
Bonus 5: The Ultimate Subscription Box Website Template
Send Your Subscription Box Sales Through The Roof by Copying The Design Of This High Converting Website Template. This layout is proven to convert subscribers at scale. ($497 Value)
Bonus 5: The Ultimate Subscription Box Website Template
Send Your Subscription Box Sales Through The Roof By Copying The Design Of This High Converting Website Template. This layout is proven to convert subscribers at scale. ($497 Value)
This Offer Expires SOON!
Today Only $3,000
$997 One Time (Save $194)
3 Payments of $397
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
What Customers Say
This Offer Expires SOON!
Today Only $3,000
$997 One Time (Save $194)
3 Payments of $397
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
Frequently Asked Questions
See below for some of our most asked questions. If you have any other questions, please feel free to reach out to me at Liam@SubscriptionBoxExperts.com
This course is ideal for anybody who owns a subscription box business or is thinking of setting up a subscription box business and wants to learn how to grow their company and make it a success. The processes that are taught in this course are the exact processes I have used to build a 7 figure subscription box company. You will learn how to acquire customers and what you need to do to ensure your business is profitable.
You get access to a private mastermind group where you can ask questions and discuss tactics and strategies with other Subscription Box Owners who took this course. I will also be in the group and I will answer as many of your questions as I can.
No this course is 100% not a get-rich-quick scheme. All business is hard and you need to be willing to learn and put in the work to achieve anything. I will teach you the exact framework, but it is up to you to apply it to your business and make it work. If you aren't willing to put in the work, please don't join the program.
You are free to start whenever you want, and you can work completely at your own pace. Anybody who joins the course is also welcome to join my 6-week live training series, which will be hosted live every week on Zoom. (If you can't make it, the session will be recorded, and you can watch back after)
You can request a refund for up to 30 days after you buy the course. If you watch all the content and apply it to your business and don't feel like the information is worth it I will give you a full refund.
This Offer Expires SOON!
Today Only $3,000
$997 One Time (Save $194)
3 Payments of $397
100% Privacy. We Will Never Spam You!
© Copyrights by Subscription Box Experts
All Rights Reseved.
DISCLAIMER: I make no guarantees about how many subscribers sign up to your box or how much money you make. Your results will vary and depend on many factors...including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business entails risk as well as massive and consistent effort and action. If you're not willing to accept that, please DO NOT buy this program
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.